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Послуги англомовного редагування текстів

Procurement on English editing services for 2017

Issuance Date: December 21, 2016
Closing Date: January 10, 2017
Period of contract: 2017

The Ukrainian NGO “Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research” (IBSER) is implementing the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI-II) Roll-Out Project, supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

IBSER is seeking a freelance English editor who would be able to perform editing services for our Organization. The editing services will include the following scope of work:

1. English editing of publications:
- Monthly Monitoring of Main Indicators of the Budget System of Ukraine (monthly publication);
- Budget Monitoring: Analysis of Budget Execution (quarterly publication);
- Analytical materials.
2. Information for the web-site:
- E-bulletins, events, news, announcements, etc.
3. Other routine documentation (in case of necessity).

If you choose to present your proposal, it should be submitted by e-mail at растровый email в виде фото no later than January 10, 2017.

The solicitation in no way obligates IBSER to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposal. Any questions concerning this solicitation should be directed in writing to Oksana Kulishenko via e-mail at: растровый email в виде фото or by phone: (044) 353 58 68.

Offerers are invited to submit quotations for the described services. All responsive quotations will be evaluated and the procurement award will be made to the quotation offering the best value to IBSER. Non-responsive quotes will not be given consideration. Examples of non-responsive quotations include but not limited to the following:
1) Submission of an incomplete quotation.
2) Quotations submitted after the required closing date.

Evaluation criteria
IBSER will award a single contract for the year 2017 to the responsive and responsible person who provides the best value based on evaluation criteria listed:
- Prior experience on English editing in budgetary and socio-economic sphere (public finance, budgeting process, EITI, tax policy, participatory budget, etc.).
- Price (please, specify the price in $ or UAH for 1800 characters (page) or for 1 character);
- Individual entrepreneur registration is preferable.

Your proposal should include:
- CV describing prior experience;
- Price.
Дата окончания: 10.01.2017
04070, м. Київ, вул. Борисоглібська 15-В, 2 поверх
Тел. (044) 353 58 68, Факс. (044) 492 97 83
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